Wednesday 22 August 2018

The Magic Cycle Wheel

A common sight in the Jaffna (Sri Lanka) of my childhood. The land is flat and bicycles were a common means of transport for many. So plenty of old and discarded cycle wheel rims were available.
Hence the formula for Fun = Cycle wheel rim + Stick + Imagination.
In the mind of a child, the cycle wheel became a vehicle to "drive"/fly.  It could be any vehicle depending on what mood and what the latest craze is. The quiet cadjan fenced lanes were the settings of these adventures.

Saturday 17 February 2018

The Elephant Sri Lankans

No, the heading is not a typo error. Sri Lankan Elephants share the small island with Sri Lankan Humans.... sometimes with tragic consequences for both. On the whole, Sri Lankans love the elephant. The elephant is often found in the local news (both print and video/TV) as well in graphics, advertising, logos and symbols. A major political party and a major food and drinks manufacturer both use the elephant as their symbol.

So instead of thinking of elephants as being separate, what if they were considered as Elephant Sri Lankans, just like Sinhalese Sri Lankans, Tamil Sri Lankans, Muslim Sri Lankans, Burgher Sri Lankans, Expatriate Sri Lankans etc? As a cartoonist, I've let my imagination run wild and sketched some of these Elephant Sri Lankans in their daily lives- just like human Sri Lankans...